3200 SW 122nd Street
Gainesville, FL 32608 (352)332-4991
Rev. Kevin M. Tiller, Pastor

Life Groups: Meet each Sunday at 9:30am-10:30am for adults, children and youth.
Women's Ministry: We offer a variety of opportunities for women of all ages and life circumstances to grow and flourish.
Youth Ministry: "AWAKEN" This ministry is to enrich youth and help all people become like Jesus Christ.
C.A.R.E. Ministry: (Christians Actively Reaching Everyone) Four different teams meet weekly for
outreach and contact with our community and church family.
Children/Preschool and Family Ministries: The mission of Children's Ministries is to partner with parents and the church family to lay a biblical foundation upon which children can build their lives in Christ. Children's Church each Sunday for 4yrs -4th grade; Nursery provided each Sunday Birth to 3 years old.
College & Career Ministry: Our vision is that every college student experience radical transformation through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Men's Ministry: We are seeking to teach a biblical perspective of manhood through a variety of opportunities purposely for men. Men's Prayer Breakfast 2nd Sunday each month.
Music Ministry: We seek to give everyone an opportunity to use their talent to bring praise to our Savior. Our Praise and Worship Team leads our Worship Service weekly in song as well as a variety of solo performers.
Senior Adults Ministry: Sr. Adult group meets each month for fellowship and fun. The event may be a potluck fellowship; game time; or an activity with other senior adults at another church setting or lunch at a local restaurant. Open to all our Sr. Adults.